Wednesday 17 April 2013

Are You Unknowingly Poisoning Your Dog ?

We love our pets unconditionally. However, owing to ignorance we often give our pets food items that are harmful to them.  Here is a list of the food items commonly found in Indian homes which are delicious for us but are deleterious to the health of our pets :

Grapes and Raisins  
Grapes and Raisins (kismis) are commonly found in almost every home but they are toxic to your dog. They are responsible for causing irreversible kidney damage if ingested by the dogs in large quantities. With severe damage to the kidneys the ability of the dog to produce Urine is compromised as a result of which the kidneys are unable to flush out the toxins from the body. This leads to accumulation of toxins and subsequently death. It is well documented that depending on the size of the dog, as little as 4 -5 grapes or raisins may cause severe illness in the dog. Signs include lack of appetite, vomiting, decreased Urine production, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, weakness and a drunken gait.

Onions - cooked or raw are known to cause serious illness in dogs as well as cats. Onions are known to contain a substance called thiosulphate which is toxic to dogs and cats. The ingestion of Onions  causes a condition called haemolytic anaemia. In this condition,  the tiny Red Blood Cells that circulate inside the blood start bursting thereby liberating haemoglobin. The symptoms of Onion poisoning appear 2-4 days after their ingestion or may even surface at a much later date if small quantities of onion is regularly being ingested by your pet for a period of time. Generally, it is believed that if a dog or cat consumes onions at the rate of 0.5 % of its body weight, it is a potential candidate for onion toxicity. Signs of onion toxicity are pale gums, rapid heart rate, weakness, diarrhea, lethargy, bloody urine etc.

Yes, chocolate causes toxicity in dogs and cats. Read the details in my post dated 10 Apr. 

Caffeinated Drinks
Caffeinated drinks viz. tea, coffee and in the summers Cold Coffee all contain Caffeine. Many popular soft drinks like Coca Cola, Mountain Dew etc - all have Caffeine! Like chocolates Caffeine too causes poisoning if ingested. The symptoms will get manifested depending upon the quantity in which it has been ingested by the dog. Caffeine poisoning is quite similar to Chocolate poisoning. 

It causes a toxicity similar to Onion poisoning (Haemolytic anaemia)

All alcoholic beverages contain ethanol. Ethanol is a toxic compound that is known to depress the Central Nervous System (brain and spinal cord) and the respiratory system. Even a small quantity of ethanol can cause poisoning. Signs include sedation, depression, lethargy, a drunken gait and lowered body temperature (Hypothermia).

Chewing gum and Candy
Many Chewing gums (including some mouth freshening gums) and Candy have a substance called Xylitol, It is a sweetening agent and causes serious health problems in the dogs if consumed. It causes liver damage and reduced blood glucose level. The symptoms  of poisoning develop within an hour of the ingestion. Signs include a drunken gait, seizures and collapse 

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