Friday 29 March 2013

How To Trim Your Dog's Nails ?

 Trimming your dog's nails is a relatively simple exercise. It is normally carried out once or twice a month. Dogs that are regularly taken out for walks or runs will not require the trimming to be carried out at short intervals as the walks and the runs naturally wear out the nails. It is a good idea to examine the nails frequently and carry out trimmings, if required. While there are pet clinics that undertake this job, it is a job that can be easily undertaken in the comforts of once home without making the pet stressed due to unfamiliar surroundings of the clinic.

Believe me, it is no rocket science and in principle it is the same like trimming our own nails.
Points to note

1. Dogs do not like their nails trimmed. Starting it during its puppy hood helps as it makes the pet accustomed to the drill.

2. Be comfortable while carrying out the trimming. Preferably make your dog lie down on its side and restrain it.

3. Before clipping examine the nail. In light coloured nails, one can actually see a pinkish area. That is the area that has the blood vessels. This is known as the "quick". Obviously, cutting it will make it bleed.

4. There are two two types of nail cutters - scissors type and guillotine type. Both are effective. A guillotine type trimmer has a stationary ring through which the nail is placed and a cutting blade that moves to slice off the nail when the handles of the nail clippers are pressed. In case of a scissors type of nail clipper, the nail is lodged between the jaws of the clipper and the handles are pressed to cut it through.

5. Preferably trim softly, paring away the nail rather than taking a vigorous and bold swipe. (At least do so till you become more confident). Trim to 2-3 mm of the quick.

6. In case, if the quick is cut, the nail will bleed but don't worry, there is no chance of a permanent damage.

7.Watch the video to see how it is done.

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